Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Things are Changing..

Been awhile since I posted anything so I thought I would send a Harris update! Our family is definately on a journey..Sam lost his job a couple of weeks ago. So, with that we are in the midst of really learning how to trust Jesus! I am thankful for the journey He is allowing us to walk through. Because I know the other end is going to be bountiful. Since I think I last posted I had come to a 65 lb. weight loss. I currently have lost 141 lbs!! I am getting ready to run my first 5K. Since Jan. 2008 God has taught me so much about myself and about making good choices. I never thought I would come to this place but am so thankful for every pound. I have been able to help so many other people. Again, I am thanking Him for the journey.

And, their is the light of my life, John-Brayden! He will be graduating pre-school in about 3 weeks. I cannot believe how much he has grown. He is growing into such a little man. I can't get enough of hearing him say, "I Love You, Mommy" and "I Love You, daddy, too!" He is definately a little mommys boy. He is learning to read, and I love hearing him sounding out letters. I love hearing him say his night time prayers. We pray for everyone in his class Tucker, Gracie, Brayden Russell..we pray for Mrs. Chancey..he has such a big little heart. If anyone is every sick, something hurts..his solution is "mommy, lets pray." My prayer for him is that he would always always run to Jesus for every need. Jesus is his solution now, I pray when he is 13 it's the same, when he is 20.

The Harris' are in a transition now in more ways than one. Their are lots of changes going on, and I don't do well with change. But their is one thing I do know. I serve a great big God! It is in times like these that He is refining Sam and I. When we got married we said that God would be the center of our marriage, that we would allow Him to lead us. Well, 7 yrs. into our marriage, God is more real to us now than ever before. We are trusting Him for our very next breath. It's exciting because I know at the end of all of this its gonna be good!!