Sunday, December 28, 2008

Is Christmas really over?

I have been so busy this month I really haven't had time to post anything. I am kind of looking forward to things getting back to "normal"..whatever "normal" is?? The month of Dec. was filled with plays at Brayden's school and Church. Church functions to attend, and Christmas parties for all of us.

The month started off with Sam's MANY parties at work. He tells me on Wed. night around 9ish.."oh, by the way I need 26 stocking stuffers Friday morning for the secretaries at work.." just 26!!!!! Got through that ordeal..and then Brayden was bringing a paper what seemed like everyday..about needing $2 for this $5 for this...I do pay tuition is that not enough?? Then for his play for school he needed red sweatpants..and, well, couldn't find those nowhere..they had them in every size but his. So, he ended up with plaid actually ended up being really cute.

One week before Christmas we find out that Brayden had strep and pneumonia. I had been treating his cough with over-the-counter stuff for a couple of weeks..I wasn't concerned no fever, no loss of appetite..daycare called me on Wed. said he had thrown up..get to the peditricians office (by the way..if you or your child aren't sick by the time you go to the will be when you leave)..and bloodtest was positive for pneumonia and culture test was strep.. So, I offically declared myself a horrible was I to know!!

Then Christmas rolled around..and this was the FIRST Christmas ever that I was still shopping on Christmas Eve morning. We have been so busy with work and everything else..their were several gifts I hadn't purchased. So, Christmas eve day I was a women-on-a-mission!! Did get everything accomplished though. We went to Jasper on Christmas Eve and spent time with my dad and step-mom..then that night at my g'mothers.

Santa did make a mistake and not get some things put my WONDERFUL husband spent about 8 hrs. Christmas day putting a ferris wheel and roller coaster together!!..which he was thrilled about. Christmas was a bit different for us this year with not having Sam's was hard on he and his father. But, everyone got through it. God has just been seeing everyone through one day at a time.

I am anxious to see what 2009 brings!! We had an awesome Church service today. I am reading a book on Fasting by Jensen Franklin..and it is opening my eyes up a lot. It has allowed to see that their is another level of intimacy with God that is right at our fingertips..if we are just willing to sacrifice. That is what I want..I desire to not just be brought into His presences on Sundays..but to live 7 days a week in his presence!!!

I'm excited about what lies ahead!!