Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thoughts from Cobblestone Drive..

This is the 2nd weekend in a row that has included yard work! And, next weekend is going to include a garage sale (people actually come and by your junk), which is going to be like pulling weeds! I am back on my flylady kick. For those of you that don't know about flylady. Check it out at So, with the help of flylady I have been "decluttering" the past few weeks.

Things have been so busy around here. I have been working lots to supplement Sams income, so know that Sam is is time for mom to get back to a regular schedule. I have tried this "office nursing" thing..and, well have decided that I do much better with an operating room schedule. 6 am-3..that means I get my evenings at home with my boys. I am such a morning person, that probably stems from working in the OR for almost 11 years. So, it looks like I am going back to OSE at lease a few days a week.

Sam and I had the "baby" talk again last week. I did remind him that I was 34 (as of last week), so its time to decide something. I sometimes REALLY get the baby bug, and really want another biological child. Sam, well he wants to adopt. So thats where we are on the baby issue. Still no absolute answer. Sometimes I think..Bray is 5..another baby means starting all over. He is about to begin "big school" I really want to start back over with diapers and mid-night feedings?

O.k. guess that was random enough..