Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Been awhile...

Haven't blogged in awhile so thought I would catch all of you up on the Harris'..we have been pretty busy! Brayden has started TBall so thought has consumed a lot of our time. Nobody waren't me that when your child played community sports that you would live at the baseball field. He is enjoying it, and that is all that matters. He got the team ball last week, so that was a BIG deal to him.

I am still on my 'lifestyle journey' I have lost 65 lbs. and have dropped 6 pants size. We are getting ready for our Disney trip, which btw is only about 3 1/2 weeks away...YAH!!!! So, last weekend I went clothes shopping b/c I absolutely have NOTHING that fits..and, well, I hate to brag but I could have scremed while in the dressing room and tried on a pair of shorts that I could NOT have wore a few months ago. People laugh when they ask, "how do you have so much will power?" My response, it is truly a God thing! I look at food differently. Food is not a pleasure I only eat because my body needs it for fuel. I exercise because I know it's essential to having a good heart! I know it's cliche but if I can do it anyone can..I have not had a potato, any type of white bread or soda since Christmas day! Does it bother me? Nope..because I know I am going to be around to see my grandchildren!

Another adventure..I have started Tennis lessons. Misty Pruitt and I started a few weeks ago. And, I have to say it is REALLY addicting. You can have a good cardio workout and have fun at he same time. Sam has even bought him a racket and we have played a couple of times!

Guess it's off to lunch with my dad now. I am off work today, so Brayden and I slept in and are just enjoying the sunshine!!

And..God is really up to some awesome things not only in our Church but within our home!!


Misty said...

Congrats on the weight loss. Keep it up! Glad to hear God is doing Great things in your life.