Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Am I the only person that feels like I am constantly in a rush? I feel like my 'to do list' is never done! Last week was a busy week. I was extremly busy at work..I think everyone is having surgery before the holidays. After work I drive to G'dale to get Brayden, then it's home to start my 2nd and cleaning!!

Brayden had Scarecrow day at school on Friday so I spent most of the week getting his costume together..(i will post pics soon). I ended up finding him some OshKosh overalls at the consignment sale..I bought some leaves at Hobby Lobby and hot glued them to the overalls..they were cute. Friday morning while I was getting him dressed he was singing, "Farmer and the dell, farmer and the dell.."

Friday afternoon Brayden and I went to Jasper and had dinner with my parents. I sometimes miss living in Jasper near my parents. Their is something about a small town, especially one that you consider home. After dinner, it was back to Trussville.

Saturday I cleaned house mostly all day. We are about to start a remodel (which I am not looking forward to) I was looking at paint colors and cabinets. And that night we made our infamous 'walmart outing'!!

Yesterday was Church..had a good service. And the afternoon we had a choir outing at the Comedy Club..we ate and saw Mickey Dean..he was hilarious!! It was good to just have the evening with my had came over and kept Brayden..

So now....the work week begins.......


Misty said...

I know how you feel about being busy, busy, busy! Take a time-out and enjoy your family.